One or Two Week Workshops for Adult Amateur Cello Players
Cortona Italy
July 14-28, 2025
The Answers You Need
Who should attend this workshop?
All levels of cellists are encouraged to attend, from beginners to professionals and all levels in between. All cellists age 18 or over are welcome. Cellists under 18 may attend if accompanied by an adult.
What is the daily schedule like?
Each day begins with a group class devoted to technical practice and theory. Students have ample time to practice as well and may practice in their air conditioned rooms and common spaces anytime between 9:30AM and 9:30PM. Each student has 5 private lessons scheduled a week. There are master classes where students can perform and receive additional instruction if they chose to and can learn from other’s work. Evening activities include a faculty concert as well as social opportunities for those who wish to participate.
Can you tell us more about the group class?
The group class is designed to deal with the fundamentals of cello playing, the things that apply at every level to every cello player. It is also intended to give every cellist an overview of the technical hurdles all along the way towards achieving mastery of cello technique. We all take part in basic technical exercises with participation scaled to account for different levels. We all learn from each other.
Does the fee include lodging or meals?
Yes, housing and meals will be provided in the renovated convent where the workshop will be held, the Hotel Villa Santa Margherita of Cortona. Students will receive 3 quality meals a day 5 days a week and breakfast on 2 days where sightseeing activities are scheduled. All of our participant's rooms are private with a bathroom and will be air conditioned and are accessible by elevator. .
This is our home base Hotel Villa Santa Margherita
Click on the picture to visit their homepage
What will be your covid protocols?
We will follow all CDC guidelines. All participants are requested to come fully vaccinated unless they have a medical condition that precludes that. . All of the staff will be vaccinated and boosted. If things take a turn for the worse in the world and travel to Italy is not safe all tuition fees will be completely refunded.

The Answers You Need
Where do the classes and lessons occur?
Most of our activities will occur in and around the recently renovated convent in Cortona which offers a terrific facility highly suited to our needs. See the photo above and visit their homepage!
How much does the Workshop cost?
The all inclusive cost for the workshop is $3294 for the 2 weeks including lodging and most meals. A single week is $1597. This includes the tuition, $897 per week, and the room and board, payable directly to the hotel on arrival, which is 760 euros per week including meals. A $250 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your spot.
Is there a piano accompanist available and is that included in the fee?
Yes, and yes.
How can one get to the workshop?
Cortona is a major tourist destination easily accessible by train and bus. The nearest intercontinental airport is Rome's Fiumicino airport. From there or from Milan there are trains allowing you to arrive without entering either Rome or Milan unless you want to. Flights from within Europe can go to Perugia which is still closer. We will provide you with step by step instructions so you can arrive comfortably.
The Answers You Need
What days and time should I book my flight for?
Do we need to bring a cello to Italy?
Sundays are not a good day to travel in Italy so the workshop classes start on Tuesday, Monday is the travel day. If you are flying, the easiest thing is to fly into Rome(FCO) arriving morning or early to mid afternoon. When you've booked your flight let us know your flight information. When we have everyone's information we will try to coordinate so people can meet at the airport and travel together to Cortona. Dinner will be waiting for you at the hotel but there are no other activities until Tuesday morning so any late arrivals do not miss anything. Classes run Tuesday through Saturday. Sunday we have an excursion and then Monday is checkout day, or for those staying 2 weeks a day of relaxation. For the return trip it's best to book a flight at least after 12 noon so you have time to arrive at the airport comfortably. For flights from the USA, Rome is definitely the best option but flying from Europe it is possible that you could get a flight to Perugia which is a bit closer. Traveling from Rome is an easy trip however. We will send you instructions so that you do not need to enter Rome itself but come directly to Cortona with ease. You are likely to have companions from Rome as well. Some students chose to add time at the hotel before or after the workshop which can be arranged directly with the hotel. If you have further questions about what's best for you for travel, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Although you are welcome to bring your instrument it may be somewhat costly. We have arranged with a fine luthier for rental instruments for those who do not want to go to this expense and inconvenience.
How much will the rental instruments cost?
There will be very nice instruments for 195 euros. There will be a few finer instruments available for 320 euros available on a first come first serve basis. All instruments will be delivered to Cortona with case, bow and rosin. There is a minimum charge of one month so if you want to hang onto your instrument a few days or pick it up early that should be possible. I will personally inspect all rental instruments before the workshop dates to be sure they are up to snuff.
What language will the lessons and classes be in?
All classes and lessons will be in English
Can my husband or wife or partner who doesn't play cello come to the workshop?
Yes, every year several spouses come and share the room. There is no additional charge from us but the hotel charges an additonal 40 euros per night and for 5 of the 7 days per week an additional 40 euros for the meals. Usually there is more than one such guest and they have a terrific time in Cortona.
Are the rooms shared or private?
All participants have a private, air conditioned room large enough to practice in easily.
More Questions?
If you have any additional questions feel free to email or or to call(1-917-273-9693) to discuss any questions you might have about the workshop (If we like your question it may end up here!)